
Astra Ayurveda: Vata Nutrition Plan

(3 customer reviews)

Original price was: $29.99.Current price is: $12.99.


Does following a diet seem elusive to you?

Are you following a diet but still not losing weight? Are you losing weight but still not feeling healthy? Are you feeling physically fit but not mentally there yet and not sure what are you doing wrong?

Look no further!

Anxiety, nervousness, constipation, gas formation, dry skin, disturbed sleep or insomnia, asthma, headache, and fatigue are few signs of VATA IMBALANCE.

This NUTRITION PLAN will help you BALANCE VATA with a holistic approach, help you make better lifestyle choices which ensures your Doshas are in balance, leading to good health, vigour and optimum flow of energy in the body.

When you follow a generic diet, you might be eating nutritious and healthy food but it might not be suitable for your body type, aggravating your pre-dominant Dosha causing the imbalance which leads to disease and sickness. This is what we want you to AVOID while following a nutrition plan.

This plan helps you understand Ayurveda and your body type, gives you further insight to what to eat, how to eat, tastes to favour and avoid and daily routines to balance Vata Dosha. We’ve seen great benefits and improvement in quality of life by implementing this plan in daily life.

Let’s begin!



A customised nutrition plan to balance Vata Dosha and lead a balanced and healthy life.

What’s included in this plan?

  • 40+ pages with an introduction to Ayurveda and How to Balance Vata Dosha?
  • Ayurvedic Principles
  • Food charts with a list of foods to favour and avoid
  • Vata Pacifying Daily Routine
  • List of Incompatible Foods
  • Food Log & Journal


  • Understand your body better
  • Keep your Doshas in balance
  • Improved health, productivity and quality of life
  • Make better lifestyle choices

Digital Product Delivery

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Once you complete your purchase, you will be redirected to your thank you page where you can download your files immediately or download it from the email you receive on successfully placing your order.
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NOTE: The digital product allows you up to 5 downloads. We recommend saving a permanent copy of this file to iBook’s, Google Drive, or Dropbox for future reference. You can also get them printed out.


3 reviews for Astra Ayurveda: Vata Nutrition Plan

  1. Meenakshi Iyer

    The nutrition plan by Astra Ayurveda helped understand my body better and not just make changes to my diet but also my lifestyle. These are simple changes yet very effective and I would say it has made a huge impact on my physical & mental well-being.

  2. Mark Foster

    Most other nutrition plans are generic but the nutrition plans offered by Astra Ayurveda are based on your body type. What I feel is the most important thing about any diet or nutrition plan, that it should be suitable for your body type. Their quiz was accurate and I picked the Vata Nutrition plan which was suitable for me. Within one week of following the customized nutrition plan I could see results and improved quality of life. Thanks Astra Ayurveda for tranforming my life.

  3. Samantha Gilbert

    I always wanted to study Ayurveda and follow an Ayurvedic lifestyle but didn’t know from where to start. When a friend suggested the nutrition plans by Astra Ayurveda, I jumped right in. Their teaching of Ayurveda and specific nutrition is on point. It is a holistic & sustainable approach which is something I was always looking for and I am forever grateful to Astra Ayurveda to help me achieve this in such a simple manner.

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