
Astra Ayurveda: Pitta Nutrition Plan

(3 customer reviews)

Original price was: $29.99.Current price is: $12.99.


Does following a diet seem elusive to you?

Are you following a diet but still not losing weight? Are you losing weight but still not feeling healthy? Are you feeling physically fit but not mentally there yet and not sure what are you doing wrong?

Look no further!

Acid reflux, heartburn, gastric ulcers, excessive heat in the body, greying and loss of hair, inflammation of the joints, excessive thirst, red or light-sensitive eyes, and insomnia are few signs of PITTA IMBALANCE.

This NUTRITION PLAN will help you BALANCE PITTA with a holistic approach, help you make better lifestyle choices which ensures your Doshas are in balance, leading to good health, vigour and optimum flow of energy in the body.

When you follow a generic diet, you might be eating nutritious and healthy food but it might not be suitable for your body type, aggravating your pre-dominant Dosha causing the imbalance which leads to disease and sickness. This is what we want you to AVOID while following a nutrition plan.

This plan helps you understand Ayurveda and your body type, gives you further insight to what to eat, how to eat, tastes to favour and avoid and daily routines to balance Pitta Dosha. We’ve seen great benefits and improvement in quality of life by implementing this plan in daily life.

Let’s begin!


A customised nutrition plan to balance Pitta Dosha and lead a balanced and healthy life.

What’s included in this plan?

  • 40+ pages with an introduction to Ayurveda and How to Balance Pitta Dosha?
  • Ayurvedic Principles
  • Food charts with a list of foods to favour and avoid
  • Pitta Pacifying Daily Routine
  • List of Incompatible Foods
  • Food Log & Journal


  • Understand your body better
  • Keep your Doshas in balance
  • Improved health, productivity and quality of life
  • Make better lifestyle choices

Digital Product Delivery

This ebook is delivered to you in the form of a beautifully designed PDF that you can read on your computer, print out or upload to your tablet to read on the go.

Once you complete your purchase, you will be redirected to your thank you page where you can download your files immediately or download it from the email you receive on successfully placing your order.
**Please make sure you enter your email correctly at checkout.**
NOTE: The digital product allows you up to 5 downloads. We recommend saving a permanent copy of this file to iBook’s, Google Drive, or Dropbox for future reference. You can also get them printed out.



3 reviews for Astra Ayurveda: Pitta Nutrition Plan

  1. Kristina Jones

    I’ve been following the customised Pitta Nutrition Plan for the last 6 months, prior to which I suffered from severe acid reflux, indigestion and excessive heat in the body. After switching to this nutrition plan slowly things started getting better and now after 6 months of making these small but effective changes to my lifestyle I can confidently say that I don’t experience these symptoms anymore. Thanks Astra Ayurveda!

  2. Maddy Russel

    Great nutrition plans specific for your body type suitable for all age groups. Easy to follow and incorporate with your current diet & lifestyle. Happy with the purchase and investment in my health.

  3. Tania Jones

    This nutrition plan has become my buddy for life, I can’t imagine my life without it. It has changed the way I look at food and improved my relationship with food. Now I understand food, its qualities and the way impacts my body much better. I can enjoy my meals without feeling guilty and stay healthy by eating the right food for me. The food journal and tracker is so useful and helps me track my progress.

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