Astra Ayurveda

Custom Nutrition Plans

Let Ayurveda transform your life from the comfort of your home. A nutrition and lifestyle plan custom designed for you based on your body type.

What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is the traditional Vedic system of health, lifestyle and medicine that originated in Ancient India. Along with Yoga it constitutes a major part of the ancient vedic lifestyle and medicine. It has it’s origins in the Atharva Veda. The term itself means science of life.

Air, fire, water, earth, space is what makes up the universe and also the basis for the human body. The imbalance of these elements leads to sickness and disease and balancing them leads to good health, vigour and optimum flow of energy in the body. 

How does Ayurveda work?


Ayurveda places great emphasis on prevention and encourages the maintenance of health through close attention to balance in one’s life, right thinking, diet, lifestyle and the use of herbs.

Knowledge of Ayurveda enables us to understand how to create this balance of body mind and consciousness according to one’s own individual constitution and how to make lifestyle changes to bring about and maintain this balance.

The Three Body Types

The body is made of five elements, air, fire, water, earth and space. These five elements combine to form three basic body types or doshas- Vata, Pitta & Kapha.

Is this is just a Nutrition plan?

No. This is a nutrition and holistic lifestyle plan. Learn about your body, find the guidance to holistically move towards a new and healthy you. Regain health, peace and the freshness of youth & harmony.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here you will find a nutrition plan to suit your particular body type. We will help you learn more about what foods that are suitable for your body. You will also learn about the type of tastes that suit your body. You will also find within these pages a detailed action plan to create your own healthy meals, that will promote the best version of yourself. 

It is a downloadable ebook which contains:

  1. An Introduction to Ayurveda
  2. Living as per the Ayurvedic Principles
  3. Understanding your body type
  4. Food charts with a list of foods to favour and avoid
  5. Taste and quality of foods to favour and avoid
  6. The ideal daily routine for you
  7. List of incompatible foods
  8. Food log & journal

It’s for people of all ages, who seek to live a better organic life, based on natural health principles. Also suitable for those who want to lose or gain weight in a healthy manner. For those who also suffer from:

  • Anxiety
  • Sleeplessness/ Insomnia
  • Acidity and gas
  • Eating disorders
  • Diabetics
  • Heart patients
  • People struggling with thyroid

As well as healthy people seeking to live a balanced, healthy life. 

Upon placing the order you receive a digital downloadable nutrition plan specific for your body type. This nutrition plan will guide you through your daily food and lifestyle choices. The food log and journal helps you keep a tab on your progress and ensures you are on the right track to improve your health & quality of life.

Everyone can do it. This plan is for everyone, if you have a body, then you can follow these principles.

The system Astra Ayurveda shares on this course can be applied to any person of any age & gender. But if you are suffering from any serious illnesses or are undergoing pregnancy, please in any case consult a doctor before applying major changes to your diet or lifestyle.


Vata Body Type

A combination of the elements air and space. Generally, a Vata person will be very thin, more talkative, restless; they typically have a lower body weight, dry skin, brittle nails, thin hair, and small, slightly sunken eyes.

Pitta Body Type

A combination of the elements fire and water. A Pitta person is generally active, good looking, a perfectionist, dynamic, intelligent and also short tempered. 

Kapha Body Type

A combination of the elements water and earth. A  Kapha person is  generally cool, calm, lazy,  cheerful, stocky (if not overweight).  The skin may also be thick, moist, and a little cool to the touch.

Choose your Nutrition Plan

As the body is made up of all five elements you might not have all the characteristics from a single body type. To which body type you have the most common tendencies and traits is your body type or predominant dosha.

Now, choose your nutrition plan based on your body type.


USD 29.99
Save 56%

Vata nutrition plan

Vata body type

USD 29.99
Save 56%

PItta nutrition plan

Pitta body type

USD 29.99
Save 56%

Kapha nutrition plan

Kapha body type


The nutrition plan by Astra Ayurveda helped understand my body better and not just make changes to my diet but also my lifestyle. These are simple changes yet very effective and I would say it has made a huge impact on my physical & mental well-being.
Meenakshi Iyer
Buying this e-book I learned a lot about Ayurveda which was very easy to understand considering I had no prior knowledge about Ayurveda. Applying these principles and values to my daily life was easier than I thought it would be. And the benefits have been numerous, I feel my digestion has improved, better immunity and I don’t feel bloated or heavy after my meals. I highly recommend this nutrition plan to anyone looking to improve their health.
Rohan Shrivastava
I always wanted to study Ayurveda and follow an Ayurvedic lifestyle but didn’t know from where to start. When a friend suggested the nutrition plans by Astra Ayurveda, I jumped right in. Their teaching of Ayurveda and specific nutrition is on point. It is a holistic & sustainable approach which is something I was always looking for and I am forever greatful to Astra Ayurveda to help me achieve this in such a simple manner.
Samantha Gilbert
Most other nutrition plans are generic but the nutrition plans offered by Astra Ayurveda are based on your body type. What I feel is the most important thing about any diet or nutrition plan, that it should be suitable for your body type. Their quiz was accurate and I picked the Vata Nutrition plan which was suitable for me. Within one week of following the customized nutrition plan I could see results and improved quality of life. Thanks Astra Ayurveda for tranforming my life.
Mark Foster
I’ve been following the customised Pitta Nutrition Plan for the last 6 months, prior to which I suffered from severe acid reflux, indigestion and excessive heat in the body. After switching to this nutrition plan slowly things started getting better and now after 6 months of making these small but effective changes to my lifestyle I can confidently say that I don’t experience these symptoms anymore. Thanks Astra Ayurveda!
Kristina Jones
Weight loss is something I always struggled with, even though I’ve been to various nutritionists and tried all the possible fad diets. Non of these seemed to work for me because they were not suitable for my body type. After taking the Astra Ayurveda Dosha Quiz I understood I am a Kapha body type and followed their Kapha Nutrition Plan. To my surprise this was easier than most of the diets I had followed. Not only did I achieve my goal of losing weight but I felt so much better and full of energy in my everyday life. Great nutrition plan by Astra Ayurveda.
Edward Woo

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You only live once, do it the right way. The Astra Ayurveda way!

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