
About Us

Astra Ayurveda is all about connecting you back to your roots.

Ayurveda is one of the oldest forms of medicine that originated in India over 5000 years ago as the traditional healing system. The term itself means “the science of life”. This ancient science works as both preventative & curative medicine, combining daily self-care, healthy diet, yoga and a natural lifestyle as a means to achieve optimal health.

Ayurveda aims at restoring balance and provides us with the necessary information on how to integrate healthy and mindful rituals in your daily routine to keep the mind and body in balance. This practice gives you the necessary tools and knowledge to heal yourself, understanding your path to achieving health & wellness. Ayurveda is a holistic healing system that focuses on preventive care keeping us free from disease and ailments.

At Astra Ayurveda, our aim is to help you understand yourself better, live with awareness, meaning and purpose. Ensuring the best life for you!

Yoga & Nutrition

Two words but one purpose, better health.

Yoga & Nutrition go hand in hand and are not two separate practices if one wants to improve the overall quality of life. We aim at providing this link to help people understand the Ayurvedic way of life.

Happy Faces of Happy Students

Astra Ayurveda has been helping people all across the globe transform their lives by understanding their body type better and making better lifestyle choices to lead a healthier & happier life.

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